What the World Needs Now

What the World Needs Now

We all know that times are changing but we just don’t know how much. That uncertainty may wear us down, cripple us with fear, or keep us from moving forward. Here are a few things you can do to make life seem a little bit better.

Love yourself and your neighbors by heeding the advice from medical professionals and following it to the letter. Think of your efforts as your contribution to the world as well as the people you love the most.

Call your friends, call your family, and tell them how much they mean to you. This is a time to open your heart. 

Remember to stop and breathe deeply at least ten times a day. The oldest trick in the book for finding peace in the midst of fear.

Acknowledge your grief, let yourself feel it, and remember that others are suffering too. If by chance you are one of the lucky ones who hasn’t lost their livelihood, consider offering assistance to others. It is a proven fact that giving makes people happier.

And last but not least, welcome your inner strength. You are your biggest asset. You have creativity and courage inside you and if you believe in yourself you will find it. I know first hand that even the worst of losses come with their own gifts.

Love, pass it on!